Ellogon is being developed and copyrighted by Georgios Petasis, a former member of the Software and Knowledge Engineering Laboratory of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, N.C.S.R. "Demokritos", Greece. Its development started in early 1998. The motivation for its development, at that time, was the inadequacy of existing platforms to support important features for the NLP applications of the SKEL laboratory. Being in constant development since 1998, Ellogon is now a mature and well tested infrastructure, as it has been used in many national and European projects either by SKEL or its partners in some of these projects. Ellogon facilities have been used for creating a wide range of NLP applications, such as various linguistic tools, information filtering and extraction systems in several European languages, controlled language checkers. Since 2002, Ellogon has been provided for free, for research use, to research and academic organisations. Since January 2004, Ellogon adopted an even more free, open source license (LGPL) which allows the use of Ellogon even in commercial applications.
The Ellogon Developement Team

- Project Leader/Coordinator: Georgios Petasis
- Design: Georgios Petasis
- Implementation: Georgios Petasis
- Core Services (CDM API):
- Design: Georgios Petasis
- Implementation: Georgios Petasis
- C++ Bindings (OCDM): Georgios Petasis
- Tcl Bindings: Georgios Petasis
- Java Bindings: Georgios Petasis, Alexandros Dais
- Perl Bindings: Georgios Petasis
- Python Bindings: Georgios Petasis, Steven Bethard
- Graphical User Interface:
- Design: Georgios Petasis
- Implementation: Georgios Petasis
- Hellenic (Greek) Localisation: Georgios Petasis
- English Localisation: Georgios Petasis
- Sample Components:
- HTokenizer: Georgios Petasis
- HBrill: Georgios Petasis
- HGazetteer: Georgios Petasis
- HStemmer: Georgios Petasis
- TNTTagger: Georgios Petasis
- JavaTokeniserSplitter: Alexandros Dais
- HPcPatr: Georgios Petasis
- HCFGParser: Georgios Petasis
- Tools:
- Create Stand-Alone Application Wizard: Georgios Petasis
- Run Component Tool: Georgios Petasis
- Tool for Editing Annotations: Georgios Petasis
- Tool for Editing Annotations on HTML: Georgios Petasis
- Tool for Editing Hierarchical Related Annotations: Georgios Petasis
- Tool for Editing Coreferences: Georgios Petasis
- Tool For Editing Attributes: Georgios Petasis
- Rename Annotations Tool: Georgios Petasis
- Collection/Document Statistics Tool: Georgios Petasis
- Remove Annotations/Attributes Tool: Georgios Petasis
- Copy/Transfer Annotations between Collections Tool: Georgios Petasis
- Document Comparison Tool: Georgios Petasis
- Collection Comparison Tool: Georgios Petasis
- Create Vectors Tool: Georgios Petasis
- Create Vectors Tool (Bag of Words Representation): Georgios Petasis
- Export Annotation Attribute Tool: Georgios Petasis
- Export SGML Tool: Georgios Petasis
- Create Annotations form Vectors Tool: Georgios Petasis
- ARFF Vector Creation Tool (WEKA): Georgios Petasis
- C4.5 Suite: Georgios Petasis
- Documentation:
- C++ CDM API: Georgios Petasis
- Tcl CDM API: Georgios Petasis, Stergos Afantenos
- Java CDM API: Georgios Petasis, Alexandros Dais
- User Manual: Stergos Afantenos, Vangelis Karkaletsis, Georgios Petasis
- Developers Manual: Stergos Afantenos, Vangelis Karkaletsis, Georgios Petasis
- Beta Testers: Georgios Petasis, Georgios Sigletos, Alexandros Valarakos, Dimitra Farmakiotou, John Koutsias, Georgios Samaritakis, Vangelis Karkaletsis